This website has nothing to do with Lemony Snicket, Harper Collins, etc. In fact the webmakers of The Lemony Snicket Inisider haven't even been able to contact Mr. Snicket. I don't know how you managed to reach this fan site, but since you are here it would do you well to know we are not, have not been, and will never be Lemony Snicket. And the chances are slim that we will ever work for Harper Collins books. In other words, OUR WEBSITE IS SCUM!!!
Yes it is Daniel Handler. (pathetic ain't he?)
We at the Lemony Snicket Insider would also like to make it clear that we hold no responsibility for this disturbing picture of Mr. Snicket (who is really Daniel Handler if you haven't heard.). We would also appriciate it if you didn't send us emails about it because we have no idea why he decided to dress up like an idiot. (and if you haven't heard who he was... WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!)