Your Questions & Violets Answers
. Question from ~name hidden~ - Have you ever met Lemony Snicket? Is he like everyone says he is? What is the worst part of your life so far as you see it?
Violet's Answer - Acctually I have not met this man named Lemony Snicket. Perhaps you mean Jaques Snicket. I met him briefly during me and my siblings stay at the Village of Fowl Devotees. I don't know what everyone says about him, but he seemed kind, and he knew my parents. He must have been involved in V.F.D. whatever that is. I try to make it seem like my life isn't so terrible, but lets face it - IT IS. But no part is worse than is source. I am talking about the fire that killed my parents of course. I really can't help but - OH NO I must cut my time short while me and Klaus try not to die in this caravan!
. Question from ~Optimus Junior~ - Like you I am an inventor, I have created mechanical robots and I was wondering if you could tell me what you have built.
Violet's Answer - I am glad you are an inventor. It is a wonderful skill that I am happy to share. But my current surcumstance is neither glad nor happy. However, I will tell you that I once invented a mechanism which forces leaves to fall right into a pile instead of being blown about during fall to save the effort of raking. Although it was destroyed in the fire you attach it to the tree and a magnetic charge would put weight on the leaves so they couldn't blow around.
. Question from ~CEJOMA~ - Although I feel extremely sorry for you and your horribly sad life, I must ask you one question; Is it true that count olaf tried to marry you? Please write back! I look forward to your answer!
Violet's answer - Thank you for your simpathy, but I'm sure you have your own troubles to worry about. Still it is true that Count Olaf tried and nearly succeeded in marrying me in order to get his slimy hands on our fortune. Yet again my siblings and I barely slithered out of his clutches. Thank goodness I am not left handed. I apoligize for not writing back to you directly, but in my current circumstance I'm sure you can see why I simply wrote to this webmaster instead of to both of you.
Question from ~Carl~ - I have a question that is really not important, but I need it for mai school report. okay... Violet, can you tell me how old you are in every book? I really need it before January 21st, so please write back! I really need it!
Violet's Answer - In all my current unhappy adventures I have been 14 years of age though I will probably have a birthday come up later. When I am 18 (in 4 years for those of you not gifted in mathematics) I will aquire the Baudelaire fortune an hopefully rid mine and my siblings lives of that evil maniac Count Olaf.
Qyestion from ~CJOMA~ - Dear Violet,
Do you remember your mother's name. It's okay if you can't answer
in your
current condition...
Violets Answer - Of course I can answer. It was Mrs. Baudelaire. What a silly question!
Dear Violet,
I have an urgent message for you. According to recent studies of
your (unfortunate) adventures, I have come up with theories. I hope they are
right...VFD was really a secret organization. Your parents were involved in
it! So were the Snickets (Jacques and Lemony). Count Olaf and Esme` Squalor
scattered the organization. Before this, Jacques Snicket's brother,
Lemony, and your mother were engaged to be married, but because of the schism
caused by Olaf, they were seperated. (That's when your mother married your
father.) Esme` only married Jerome so she and the Count could take advantage of
the secret passageway leading to you're mansion. Violet, I'm sorry to say
it, but I believe that Count Olaf killed your mother. You're father may be the
survivor of the fire. Also, Lemony Snicket has been publishing your adventures in books
marked "A Series of Unfortunate Events". Violet, I sure hope you can process this information. I know how smart you are (you're inventions show it!) and I hope you can write me back.
Violet's Answer - I... er... well... um... Thank you?
Question from ~CJOMA~ - Dear Violet,
I am currently interested in your adventures. (I was the theory presenter in another letter.) If you are too embaressed to answer or would like your answer kept in privacy, I will follow any command given (in your answer). The question is: Are you in love with Duncan Quagmire? Once again, I will state that I will not tell anyone if you don't want me to. Thank you for your intellectuall time!
P.S. Is Klaus in love with Isadora?
Violet's Answer - LOVE??? I certainly would NOT consider my and Duncan Quagmire's relationship as love! Both triplets are my good friends and I miss them dearly, but love is a very powerful word. I have not had such romantic feelings toward Duncan at all. Yet. As for Klaus, his feelings toward Isadora are not any of my business and I don't know what he feels for her. I have recived information from cakesniffer that an ask Klaus section will be opened in some amount of time and I'm sure if you still are interested in his relationships you can ask him yourself. As for me I remain a mere friend to Duncan Quagmire and so far haven't felt love for him. By the way, you spelled Sincerely wrong. ;) Your welcome!
Question from ~Erin Miller~ - Are you in training for VFD? I know it is a secret organizatin that Count Olaf was in. Lemony Snicket(your biographer) is in it. I believe that you do not love Duncan.
P.S. I think Carmelita Spats is a total cakesniffer.
P.P.S. I think the real principal of Prufock Prep is in V.F.D.
Violet's Answer - Whatever V.F.D. is I certainly wouldn't be sure whether I'm in training for it. Thank you for agreeing that I don't LOVE Duncan and whatever a Cakesniffer is Carmelita Spats might be one. I don't think VP Nero is in V.F.D. whatever it is...
Question From ~AnimagusGirl~ - Dear Violet,
Are you SURE you don't have a crush on Duncan?! Anyway, I hope you find them. But poor Sunny...she doesn't have anyone her age...not that I don't feel bad for all of you! Anyway, are you aware all the things that happened with Lemony Snicket, Beatrice (his true love), Count Olaf, and Esme' Squalor??!! If'll find out soon enough. I wish you and your siblings luck in the near future.
G (code name)
P.S. I belong to V.F.D. even though it is dangerous to tell people
this, I trust you, V.Baudelaire, just don't tell anyone. :) have a good day
[like that's even offense.]
Violet's Reply - ?
Violet's Second Reply - Everyone knows things I don't. What the heck is V.F.D.?! Who is Lemony Snicket?! Ah foo! I'll just have to wait until I see for myself.
Question From ~Rita & James~ - I was on this site, and a person named CEJOMA asked you if you loved Duncan Quagmire. You said you didn't have romantic feelings towards him. Then you said 'yet'. Why?
P.S. Has it ever occurred that Duncan may feel towards you what you don't feel towards him?
P.P.S. you don't need to tell me your thoughts on this comment but... you two would make a good couple!
Violet's Reply - The reason I said yet is because I cannot tell you what I will feel in the future for someone. Feelings change, people change. I'm not telling you here that I will love Duncan, but for goodness sake I could. I'm only 14! It has not occured to me that Duncan may have such feelings for me, but if he does I hope he can keep then to himself until I can handle them. I will not give you my thoughts on the last comment becuase it was extremely unnerving and left me in shock for several minutes after I read it.
Question From - ~Lori~ -Dear Violet,
I know that your life is horrible ever since that day at the beach when you and your siblings recieved the terrible news about the fire. What does VFD mean? Will you ever brake the promise your parents made you promise that you will take care of your siblings? What will happen if Count Olaf succedes? What is happening to the Quagmire triplets? What if one of your parents are alive? I will ask you more quesdtions later. Oh and be careful Madame LuLu will find out tjhat you are hiding in the house of freaks. I hope you nothing but the best and with your inventing skills and Klauses knowledge and Sunny's teeth you can do anything and finnaly someday you might be reunighted with your parents and be safe once again. Talk to yoou later.
With All Do Respect,
Your biggest fan who wants to grow up and be like you with your inventing skills (i dont want to lose my parents in a fire though.)
Violet's Answer - I haven't a clue to what V.F.D. means! If I did I have a feeling I would be in a lot less trouble! If it is within my power I would never ever break any promise I made to my parents. I try to avoid the thought of count Olaf suceeding at all costs. If he does I believe he will try to keep only one of us alive. It is my question also what is happening to those poor quagmire friends of mine. I don't know what will happen if one of my parents have survived but if they have why are they leaving my siblings and me to be in such misery? Madame Lulu, for better or for worse, is dead. Thank you for your wishes and I can't imagine anyone who would want to loose their parents.
Question from ~Amal~ - Dear Violet,
Hi, do you want to be my pen pal?
I like to invent things too.
In school we had to dress up as our favorit people in books I dressed up as you.
Violet's Answer - I am afraid that I am in no condition to be anyone's pen pal at this time however, I shall try to get back to you. I am still confused about everyone and these books! Oh well I am flattered that you would dress up like me even though the clothes Mrs. Poe bought us itch. I am always happy to meet another inventor keep up the good work.
Question from ~Kelli~ - Dear Violet,
I am an inventor like you. I have various creations strewn around my room. And I too have a knack for inventing things in emergenies or on short notice. I have a few questions for you....I hope that you can answer them...considering your current position. Have you found any trace of your parents? I hope you have. You and Klaus REALLY need to find Sunny...who knows what evil things Count Olaf is teaching her?!? Anyways, Carmelita Spats is a TOTAL cakesniffer...did you ever find out what happened to Duncan and Isadora? Please respond back if you can. Thank You.
Violet's Answer - No I am devistated to tell you that I have not found any trace of my parents except the small piece that their was a survivor of the fire. I am still horrified that we haven't found any trace of the Quagmires! You're Welcome.
Question From ~Kaitlin~ - I just wanted to let you know that Lemony Snicket is an author with a complicated life, just like you.He writes your adventures in great stories of suspense,even though they are unfourtunate.
I think that V.F.D. means Volenteer Fire Department beacause your parents died in a fire,same with the Quagmire triplets with there brother Quigley.I think that Count Olaf is in V.F.D. because he too has a tatoo like Jaques. I also think he killed one of your parents.
From your biggest fan, Kaitlin McManus.
P.S. What does 'cakesniffers' mean?
Violet's Answer - I can't agree with you on all of that. I do not know what cakesniffer means.
Question From ~ ~ - Dear Violet,
I know your sad about losing your parents.But I still would love to know who you like the best of your gaurdeins.Besides your mom and dad.And I made up a slight poem for your parents.[dead anyway.]
MRs.Baudalarie awke one morn.
Mr.Baudalarie hears the fire alarm.
He scaters out of bed.And away he goes.
ANd finds on the table,
A burnt peice of toast.
Mrs.Baudalaire scared as can be.
Runs from her peacful sleep.Fly's in a hurry.
Down to the kitchen.
And finds a glass of oarge juice.
sitting on the table.And at once the children look.Suprised their parents saw them and shook.
They laugh in happiness.And toughther they cheer.
That the house didn't go down in ground,
While Violet Klaus and Sunny scattered around.Oh my!Oh look.On the beach one day.
Mr.Poe had some thing to say.
Oh no.It's wrong.This can not be.Their parents are off the family tree.Where oh where shall we go.Please don't send us to COunt Olaf!
Violet's Answer - My personal favorite was our kind Uncle Monty. Thank you for the poem it sent tears running down my cheeks. I would be happy to read more of your works if you want to send them to me. They remind me of Isadora Quagmire.
Question from ~Rona~ - Dear Violet,
My real name is Rona, but due to my admiration of
your wonderful inventions, I have signed up with an
account under your name...I do hope that you don't
First of all, how are you? No wait! That is a really
stupid question to ask!!! I can just imagine your
answer!"Well now Rona, I've just spent a night in a
cramped automobile trunk; I've lost everything apart
from my siblings; I've been passed from guardian to
guardian; I've been accused of murder, nefarious
disguising, arson and fraud; there is an evil count
persuing me... do you honestly think I would be OK?"
My sincerest apologies.
But now I have some useful questions, if you could
take the time to answer them, although I won't be
offended if you don't, I may be able to untangle the
web of woe which seems to follow you around!!!
First of all I have been wondering what your late
mothers maiden name was... was it possibly Beatrice
Secondly, is there any way in which you could legally
take your fortune before you turn eighteen?
Averagely, how long were your short stays with
various guardians?
What was your fathers name?
Apart from discovering antimatter, what else did
Nikola Tesla do?
And finally, is there any chance that there is another
library of records? This time look up V for V.F.D; O
for Olaf; Q for Quagmire; F for fire; and M for
Please give my kindest regards to Klaus and Sunny,
try to hang on in there, I am trying my best to
unravel this tracherous scheme!
I will correspond with the answer A.S.A.P.
My Regards,
Rona Tunnadine
(age 11)
Violet's Answer - Firstly it is perfectly ok that you use my name, secondly a mother's maiden name is her former last name, not her first name. There probably is a way for me to inherit the fortune early, but Mr. Poe is such a gastly beast I can't imagine it ever happening. Average is such a difficult word! Some of my stays were good, others were HORRIBLE!!!! My fathers name was Mr. Baudelarie of course! Nikola Tesla did so much I can hardly start to tell you about them! I cannot predict the future, but if there ever is a chance of there being a library of records I shall try my best to remember those things.